Thursday, November 11, 2010

3am Blog!

So I found this thirty day challenge thing on tumblr and I'm just gonna do all the ones I want in one post because I'm not sure how long of answers I can give for each.

Your middle name, and how you feel about it!:
...Alexandra.....I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!! =DI think its a beautiful feminine name and I think it works well with my full name. When my moms mad at me which she hasn't called me this in forever, shes call me "Kady Alex" I love it sometimes I wish it was my first name.

Talk about your piercings or tattoos, if you have any.
I have 8 piercings, and one tattoo. Iv been getting piercings since I was little my last piercing was on my 18th birthday, my brother Jonathan paid for it. My lip was done when I was 16, my mom took me for that one. My tongue my dad doesn't know about baha. Then the rest of my piercings are my ears I have 3 in each and my first holes are gauged to a 10 right now but I plan on making them larger. When I was 17 4 days after my birthday I got my tattoo. Which is a beta fish on my ankle. I used to be really into beta fish and I would have 4 at a time it was kinda crazy....I still have 2 hahaha.

Write about your closest friends.:
My brother Jonathan.
Well there's Jen Iv known her since a week before kindergarten or so. Her girlfriend and little sister also cool.
Cydney Ive been close with since 6th grade she mah best friend from mast =]
Amanda I wrote a whole blog on. Samantha. Taylor. Sean at mah work! hes fun. I dont have much to say about them.

3 favorite colors: Red! cause when I was a baby my brother gave me a blanket and I named it red blankie and it was my favorite thing in the whole world and i still have it and yup. Its my brothers fault but I love red so its good =] then end red pwns all.
My favorite season is summer or fall or spring haha just no winter! fuck that shit.

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